What is Breath Work?

Breath Work has become wildly popular over the last few years, and rightfully so. Many people have discovered the healing powers and benefits of working with our very own life force energy: breath. There are many different ways to partake in conscious (somatic) breath work such as Pranayama breathing, box breathing, breath of fire, nostril breathing, the very popular Wim Hoff method, trauma release breath work, and more. Below is a break down to understand how you are supporting your mind, body, and spirit simultaneously with any breath technique.

  1. PHYSICAL: Conscious breathing works with the body on a cellular level. As your breath finds a consistent rhythm, the oxygen circulates throughout the body detoxifying the cells and tissues of acidosis (inflammation), while alkalizing the blood.

  2. ENERGETIC: When working with any breath technique for an extended period of time, the breath will navigate through the body and find energetic blockages through out the chakra system. Energetic blockages form when trauma and feelings have been suppressed for years. The breath will find this blockage and go to work. This is where breath work becomes medicine. The body is filled with blockages for many reasons, but whatever your body is capable of moving through during your session, is where the breath will find its way to work helping you in finally feeling what has been lost for so long.

  3. GENERATIONAL: Because the breath works energetically and physically, it is helping to heal trauma that has been passed down. Epigenetics is the scientific name for Generational Trauma and research has shown that the work and healing individual does today, can reverse and bring healing to 7 generations past and forward. This is because the breath is also working with the subconscious mind, rewiring the neural pathways and creating new patterns, breaking old ones that do not serve the individual any longer. Patterns such as societal conditioning, religious conditioning, politics, relationships, mother/father wounds, and so much more. Every child is raised by their parents thought patterns which were also passed down to them. Choosing to step into this depth of holistic healing work is choosing to finally discover what is inside of YOU. What YOUR beliefs and feelings are. This can affect older generations just simply by your lifestyle shifting and it absolutely affects future generations unborn because you are rewriting what once was.

All this to say, one breath work ceremony is not a fix all. It is opening the door to a new chapter in your life. One that allows you to dive deeper into your inner world. The breath is the medicine, the real work comes after your experience. Integration is the most important piece to conscious breath work. If you don’t go home and work with tools to support what happened during your experience, you will fall right back into old patterns. Integration work is unique to each individual and discussed after your experience to support you the weeks and months following.

Breath Work for Trauma Release

Showing up for a full breath work ceremony is to arrive in intention for all that is and all that is ready to be released from the body. The breath is so powerful that it will navigate throughout the entire body, clearing a path for new healing to take place. As you breathe, your body will access the natural DMT created by the brain taking you on a journey of the truest medicine. Working with your very own life-force to release generational trauma, suppressed emotions, and much more from the mind body and heart. It all gets to be here. Screaming, crying, laughing, shaking, sensual movement, quiet inward journey….there is no right or wrong when it comes to a trauma release breath work ceremony. All it takes is showing up with an open mind, an open heart, and releasing any expectations at the door. Arrive in trust and love and the medicine your heart and body are ready for, will receive.

How is energy work incorporated in your Breath Work experience and what can you expect after your journey?

During your breath work experience, Candice will work with many different healing tools and modalities to support the movement and cleansing of any unwanted energy. Through the use of Reiki, Sound, Touch, and Smell, Candice will support each journey through intuitive experiencing for your highest good.

Deep Trauma Release breath work experiences can provide a sense of lightness, oneness, softeners, and clarity after the experience. The journey of a breath work ceremony helps to bridge the gap between your physical, emotional. and energetic bodies. The breath is the medicine. How you choose to show up the weeks and months following your experience are the work. The integration. And, integration is the most important piece to this experience so that the mind doesn’t come in trying to control and set you back into old habits and patterns. Candice will support your integrative process with feedback and guidance after your breath work experience so that you are set to go home and begin your period of integration.

Melissa - Detroit, MI

“ I met Candice a few months ago at a one-day yoga retreat for women....when she came into the room, I could feel a sense of calm along with how passionate she is for her work. At the yoga event, Candice led a very intense breath work session that just filled the room with a sense of letting go in a very safe space...women were laughing, crying, howling, screaming...really just anything they wanted to do to let go. Several of us women were just meeting her for the first time, but we knew and felt like she has that knack to make others feel very comfortable to be able to let go of whatever they are holding onto in the safe space she created. As I layed on my yoga mat, I had a very intense reaction to the breathwork exercises and the chaotic sounds that filled the room that day. Without going into too many details, I felt an intense shift of what I was really looking for my body to provide to me for closure on old wounds. Going into that yoga retreat, I didn't necessarily know it was going to occur that particular day, but as it was happening, I instantly knew that Candice is a true, intentional, passionate healer for others. She checked on me several times during this journey and reflecting back, it turned out to be the last piece of the puzzle to - let it all go."